GloryTab is the new generation of moon tab liner which provides easy and clean peelable induction sealing for different types of plastic bottle and even glass bottle. Our new tab design is unbreakable and no tab size limitaion whatever it is just half-moon, full page or only a small part on the foil, GloryTab can peel off without tab failure.
「GloryTab」佳旭新一代的頂開式拉耳易撕型墊片適用於各類型塑料瓶或者玻璃瓶封口。新的拉耳設計采用更牢固的複合工藝,大大改善了傳統拉耳容易斷裂的問題。新一代GloryTab更沒有拉耳須至中的限製,無論墊片及拉耳面積多大,或拉耳只佔很少的部分,仍能達到易撕 型的較果,給予用戶更方便的包裝體驗。
All GloryTab liner is suitable for direct food contacts and comply the below regulation:
• GB 4806.7-2016, GB9683-1988
• (EU) No. 10/2011 and its amendments, (EC) No. 1935/2004.